Serving Upper Cape Cod, Greener Image Landscaping Company, for Full Residential & Commercial Landscape Services

"Design, Build and Maintain."

Serving Upper Cape Cod for Over 30 Years

Greener Image Landscaping, Inc.
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Tree and Shrub

Tree and Shrub Services

- Free Estimates 

- State-of-the-Art Equipment

- Friendly, Professional Team

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Tree Pruning and Trimming Services

Stay safe — never trim or do removal work that should be done by a professional. There are best times to trim tree branches and care should be taken removing branches that could fall and cause serious injury or property damage. Keep it safe and contact Greener Image Landscaping, Inc. for professional tree pruning, tree branch trimming, and tree removal services.

Tree Removal Services

Greener Image Landscaping tree removal services start with an assessment of the job.

A certified arborist will meet on site to discuss best strategy for the health of the tree as well as the property. We look for any kinds of safety hazards that may be involved in the removal process, such as pole/electrical wires or seeing the limbs of the tree are situated over electric lines.

We usually use a bucket truck if we can get close enough to the tree. The bucket truck is the safest and most efficient way to remove a tree, but we can still do the job by using rope and saddle for climbing and cut the tree down safely.

Once tree limbs are on the ground, they are fed into our wood chipper. Larger tree logs get loaded on our front-end loader and removed. After the tree is cut down, our stump grinder will remove the stump.

Tree Stump Grinding

  • What is a stump grinder?

    A stump grinder or stump cutter is a power tool that is used to remove tree stumps after a tree has been cut down. A rotating cutting disk on the grinder chips away all the wood in the stump with a high-speed disk with teeth that will grind a tree stump and roots down into the ground leaving small wood chips.

  • Why have a tree stump removed?
    • It is difficult to replant another tree in the same place. Tree roots can extend out into the yard as far or further than the branches on the live tree. When you leave a tree stump in place, thicker roots are left behind and makes it impossible to plant a new, replacement tree anywhere in the old tree site. The stump must be ground down in order to plant a new tree.
    • Old tree roots take a very long time to break down but once a stump has been ground up, the roots will break down quickly. Roots that are attached to a tree stump last longer and can make it difficult to plant shrubs, flowers, and other landscape improvements.
    • Suckers may grow up through the stump. Some trees don’t actually die when they’ve been cut down and will grow suckers a year later. Instead of growing back as one tree, the stump will return many trees. Grinding down the stump, including the thickest parts of the root system, will prevent this from happening.
    • There is a potential for a dirt cave-in in the yard from a large tree stump so it should be removed to prevent injury.

    The best decision is to have the stump removed.

Brush Removal

We offer brush removal, lot clearing, and brush mowing services.

Competitively Priced Tree and Shrub Services

Call us today!

(508) 495-1181

(508) 495-1181

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Greener Image Landscaping

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